It is raining the day her life changes for ever. Attacked, drugged and kidnapped, Paige is transported to Oxford – a city kept secret for two hundred years, controlled by a powerful, otherworldly race. Paige is assigned to Warden, a Rephaite with mysterious motives. He is her master. Her trainer. Her natural enemy. But if Paige wants to regain her freedom she must allow herself to be nurtured in this prison where she is meant to die.
The Bone Season introduces a compelling heroine and also introduces an extraordinary young writer, with huge ambition and a teeming imagination. Samantha Shannon has created a bold new reality in this riveting debut.
It is the year 2059, in London, England. The world is a place where gifted humans known as clairvoyants can connect with the æther, allowing them to manipulate ghosts and objects with the sheer power of their minds. Paige Mahoney is a clairvoyant known as a dreamwalker who is able to move in and out of minds, touching their dreamscapes. She commits high treason just by existing for all clairvoyance is prohibited and downright sin in Scion. Being out-casted by society, clairvoyants are forced to join the criminal underworld of Scion London known as the Seven Seals. As a part of the syndicate, Paige works for the notorious mime-lord known as Jaxon Hall and scouts for information as his mollisher and Underlord heir. She is his most prized possession for her voyant abilities are of the highest order. Paige has managed to stay undetected her entire life under Scion’s radar but it isn’t until she fatally unleashes her abilities in a life-threatening situation against two officers, does her abilities become discovered by the government. Hunted down and thrown into Sheol 1, a secret prison colony run by a race of beings known as the Rephaim who survive on the auras of humans, Paige is determined to escape and expose the truth behind the government.
As part of the sentence to all clairvoyants captured and sent to Sheol 1, they must abide by strict rules of the Rephaim and be assigned to a keeper who determines your every action and when you may eat and sleep. Paige’s Raphaite master is Arcturus Mesarthim, known as Warden for he is the Blood-Consort to the Blood-Sovereign, Nashira Sargas. Though the Rephaim are cruel and malicious towards their voyants and show no mercy to those who do not abide by their command, Paige’s keeper, Warden, however values her mental health and encourages her to develop her dreamwalking abilities beyond what she believed she could ever have achieved. Warden merely wishes to be a teacher who can broaden her skills, rather than a keeper that is to be fear. Despite Warden’s signs of redemption, Paige is reluctant to trust the Rephaim that keeps her captive.
The amount of imagination and detail that is expressed all across the pages throughout the book is mind-blowing and stunning as the world building is intensely nuts, yet perfect. The characters were loveable and each had their own unique personality and background. In fact, you couldn’t help but also admire the cunningness of some of the more villainous characters and kind of care for them, yet hate them for all that they have caused. The Bone Season is one of the most richly crafted worlds I have ever come across for it is richly detailed orientated.

In 2013, she published The Bone Season, the internationally bestselling first installment in a seven-book series of fantasy novels. Its first sequel, The Mime Order, was published in 2015, and she's currently editing the third book in the series, The Song Rising. She is also working on a high fantasy novel. Film rights to the Bone Season are held by the Imaginarium Studios, Chernin Entertainment and 20th Century Fox.
BOOK 1: The Bone Season
BOOK 2: The Mime Order
BOOK 3: The Song Rising
BOOK 4: Untitled
BOOK 5: Untitled
BOOK 6: Untitled
BOOK 7: Untitled