Sebastian Morgenstern is on the move, systematically turning Shadowhunter against Shadowhunter. Bearing the Infernal Cup, he transforms Shadowhunters into creatures out of nightmare, tearing apart families and lovers as the ranks of his Endarkened army swell.
The embattled Shadowhunters withdraw to Idris - but not even the famed demon towers of Alicante can keep Sebastian at bay. And with the Nephilim trapped in Idris, who will guard the world against demons?
When one of the greatest betrayals the Nephilim have ever known is revealed, Clary, Jace, Isabelle, Simon, and Alec must flee - even if their journey takes them deep into the demon realms, where no Shadowhunter has set foot before, and from which no human being has ever returned...
Love will be sacrificed and lives lost in the terrible battle for the fate of the word in the thrilling final installment of the classic urban fantasy series The Mortal Instruments!
The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare BOOK 1: City of Bones BOOK 2: City of Ashes BOOK 3: City of Glass BOOK 4: City of Fallen Angels BOOK 5: City of Lost Souls BOOK 6: City of Heavenly Fire | WARNING Spoilers are up ahead. If you haven't read this book or plan on reading it in the future I highly suggest you do not go ahead and click read more. Please do be mindful that if you post a comment and didn't want to see any spoilers, you are most likely to accidentally catch a glimpse. You have been warned! |
Cassandra Clare had already shown us shadowhunters quite a few snippets down the road before the book was released. One of the snippet had even hinted that Sebastian had a secret admirer whom never thought they would ever meet a shadowhunter they could stand for more than five minutes. Sebastian's secret admirer was obviously not a shadowhunter or a mundane, so I thought it would be either a warlock, vampire, werewolf or faerie. I was shock to find out his secret admirer was not just a faerie but the Seelie Queen! What!? Yep it's true. So basically the faeries were against the shadowhunters.
Brother Zachariah becomes a silent brother no more when he tries to stop the heavenly fire from killing Jace by drawing an ancient rune on his palm and pressing it onto Jace's chest. Brother Zachariah's body takes away some of the fire as it courses through his body. Since Brother Zachariah has taken some of the fire in himself, it burned away his brotherhood making him no longer a silent brother but an ordinary shadowhunter. Once you become a silent brother you cannot un become one, so it comes as a shock to everyone when he is just the shadowhunter he once was: Jem Carstairs. Though he calls himself Zachariah still for now.
Clary, Jace, Isabelle, Alec and Simon go into the demon realms to rescue Magnus, Raphael, Luke and Jocelyn, and to find Sebastian to kill him. PS. Sebastian still wants Clary to rule the throne with him to make her his queen and to love him. Slightly creepy cause he doesn't want the sister and botherly kind of love...
Okay so who died? Jordan Kyle, Meliorn, Raphael Santiago, Andrew Blackthorn, Sebastian Verlac, Amatis Graymark, and Johnathon Morgenstern (Johnathon is not Sebastian! So really it's sort of seven character deaths). Jordan was stabbed in the chest by Sebastian merciless in front of Maia and then he allowed her live so she could deliver a message to all shadowhunters. I was actually really pissed at Maia as before Jordan was dying in her arms, she was planning on breaking up with him! She didn't even cry when he died! Ugh! Meliorn was killed by Alec, as Alec was furious that Meliorn had kidnapped Magnus and had handed Magnus to Sebastian, and Meliorn was actually only half faerie so he could lie, hence why he was on the Concil (he lied about the faeries alliance with shadowhunters, when they were against shadowhunters and had teamed up with Sebastian). Raphael was killed by Sebastian as well, when Raphael refused to kill Magnus since Magnus had saved his life when he was a boy. Andrew Blackthorn, (the Blackthorn children's father) was surprisingly killed by his own son Julian when he was an endarken and had tried to get Tiberius to go to him. Sebastian was killed by Clary using her Morgenstern sword Heosphoros which contained the heavenly fire (that had once contained Jace). Go Clary!! Out of all the characters that died I would have to say I cried the most for Johnathon Morgenstern, as when Clary killed Sebastian with the heavenly fire, the fire burned away his demon blood and showed underneath what Sebastion would have been if Valentine had not injected him with demon blood. Johnathon was so sweet and kind. He apologised for everything the demon part of him had done. He told Clary how to destroy the endarkened as there was no way to save them. Oh and his eyes! They were no longer black, but green. When Jocelyn heard him speak she new instantly it wasn't Sebastian and ran to him and cried her heart out. Unfortunately Cassandra Clare decided to be the evil person she is and let Jonathan die as the heavenly fire burned him. How come Jace survived the heavenly fire? Well he survived as there was still goodness in him and there was no goodness in Sebastian, and Johnathon never truly got to live and decide whether he wanted to be good or not.
Clary, Jace, Isabelle, Alec, Simon, Magnus, Luke, and Jocelyn were trapped in the demon realms with no way back as Sebastian had sealed shut the way to get back home forever. Magnus unwillingly called upon his father who happened to be one of the Nine princes of hell (a very powerful demon). They had to spark a deal with the demon. In the end the deal was to take away Simon's mortality and erase all memories of the shadow world. Magnus was willing to trade his mortality, but since Magnus was so old it would kill his life in the process... But don't worry Simon actually becomes a shadowhunter after Magnus offers Simon the choice to become a shadowhunter and drink from the mortal cup. Simon fortunately accepts and starts to get some of his memories back!
Oh and who get's married in the end? Why Jocelyn and Luke of course! The comic in the back of the book is a comic for the second wedding of Tessa and Jem. The comic for it is so lovely and cute.
So that's probably the main things that happen in City of Heavenly fire. It's not really a review. It's more of me just telling you everything that happened in the novel.